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Comments (7)

Rothrock - 7 November 11:46

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Rebecca - 12 November 11:54

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Bresee - 21 March 07:39

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Vicky - 9 July 07:40

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Georgine - 7 September 06:36

What is her name?

Beahan - 2 December 08:50

Also seeing patterns in stuff is not unusual.В It's what we humans are great at and it comes naturally.В We have to always account for our tendency to see patterns in things in vague stimulii which has name pareidolia.В Did the creator of the arches in the video game intend for them to look like vulvas or is it just your pareidolia?

Gavin - 16 April 05:08

Like what I see

Flatten - 17 March 23:27

Your hair looks nice today lady Doe. Question: is there science behind being attracted to people with unnatural hair colors like Blue, Green, etc. Maybe a show idea? Thank you for the great knowledge you spread. DFTBA