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Comments (2)

Stefani - 8 April 21:49

Arrete mes images, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin simplement rencontre et de passer du temps ensemble, et de tendresse et d’affection toi nomination.

Edison - 10 December 08:39

Results: Exact:

Palaspas - 20 May 11:13


Ailes - 26 June 20:31

If her eyebrows get any higher . and she keeps her eyes as WIDE OPEN as she just talks normally. what the fuck is she like when she comes or gets angry!

Lavanchy - 14 July 20:45

Phyllis, these tits are REALLY HOT!! Do not reduce your breasts!!

Lindsay - 6 January 22:13

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Salley - 1 January 12:49

I was pretty strongly Storge, with Eros and Ludus kind of tied. Then Agape (if I don't have a handle on myself, then there's no way I can manage to help someone else-I know that much about myself), and at the very bottom, 3rd percentile, Mania.В

Ocean. Age: 22
Beata. Age: 23
Reina. Age: 24