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Comments (2)

Bryon - 20 January 22:43

Affectueux fille recherche homme pour le sexuelle divertissement.

Toussant - 21 December 22:57

Contenu exclusif disponible, ne figurant pas sur Pornhub.

Nicky - 13 August 04:05

The amount of hate and misunderstanding in the comment section surprises and saddens me. o,o

Claude - 9 April 22:26

It isn't nearly as confusing as it might seem. They might say it is, but they're wrong. (I wouldn't use it that way, so as not to be thought insane)

Admin - 18 December 20:09

It's impossible to weigh the pros and cons of most things, porn included. I could easily think of 10 different ways it could affect someone's sex life either negatively or positively. To answer your other two questions, you can have a compulsive behaviour that negatively affects your life, which is what most people would call an addiction. Search wikipedia for Psychological_addiction#Behavioral_addiction to get some more details.

Brosky - 1 May 16:02

I 'd like my cock to be treated like this lucky one

Steffanie - 27 April 22:20

It is hot to get fuck by strangers in the woods

Anton - 1 March 10:46

Классно вылизывает