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Comments (3)

Bahner - 13 July 15:10

Reve caresse doux lits, moi seul triste quand vous n’etes pas la!

Matuska - 19 October 08:18

Джизирак недвижимо сидел среди вихря цифр. Вторая попытка также ни к чему не привела.

Calandra - 8 January 10:29

While I understand the Cis prefix and it's intended use, it seems to have become a slur of sorts and thus I have become somewhat uncomfortable using it. В It seems like identifying that way by name essentially garners a reaction of well aren't YOU proud of your privileged life. В

Dawna - 6 August 20:45

I could easily cum inside this lonely housewife.

Kinan - 14 September 18:55

So you can pee with a tampon in. it blew my mind while simultaneously making me feel stupid.

Karena - 26 January 04:00

I think part of the point of the video was that being too specific can also be excluding minorities, like when she said that you need to keep adding and adding letters, because sexuality is way too diverse. I also think we can't keep acting solely in response to mean spirited people. I am queer, I have been fired, without being out, have been attacked, not for my sexuality. Some people just need an excuse. What we need is unity.

Vadala - 22 May 13:09

That tight white pussy got all stretched out!!he should tapped that ass too