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Comments (6)

Mazuera - 21 October 08:38

Tendre mignonne, attends insouciants relations poursuivre. Fais-le, tape mon numero de telephone et venez a moi, Je ferai n’importe quoi, que tu veux!

Tyrell - 23 August 20:52

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Anal, Fisting. Nous vous garantissons une émotion palpitante avec ces filles!

Esteban - 26 July 03:07

This was particularly difficult to watch. В As someone with a long history of sexual shame, and no real, healthy sex life to return to, it hit a bit too close to home, despite being primarily about spontaneous abortion which I haven't and can't experienced. В Fortunately, I'm on my way to recovery, but the road is long, and exposing shame to the light so it can die is not kind of fun at all. В Thank you for your continually caring, insightful, and non-judgmental attitude.

Mertine - 19 December 09:26

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Providencia - 20 October 08:57

Seriously, stop fucking talking, because you are making the world a worse place every time you lie.

Kathy - 14 June 20:47

Seriously - This is what aroused my penis & The women did not stop chasing me with spontaneously form

Jamar - 6 June 04:05


Karz - 11 May 15:26

You never asked your wife. You're just a scumbag.