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Comments (7)

Borzea - 19 June 22:38

Arrete sur images, hesites, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, besoin maintenant rencontrer et d’obtenir buzz, et de tendresse et d’affection je nomination.

Farid - 12 November 12:45

Tallinn-Pärnu mnt äres, mitmes pesas olid juba lara mõlemad linnud Libatse juures ja siis veel Märjamaa pool.

Abraham - 28 September 16:50

I like the pressure, and the relief, feels just as good for a guy. Keeps your ass clean too. Pressurized water is great once you are used to it. Once you get used to it, it gets better. Gives me a hard on after blowing out. Hot blond, you are lucky to have a girlfriend like this!

Shane - 22 November 22:05

This still doesn't explain why people feel the need to change their sex or commit suicide. Do they hate being gay? Do they hate being considered abnormal? I can't think of any other reasons.

Helper - 4 October 18:48

nice try by an old man.

Pinto - 16 January 04:24

You're completely delightful.

Papadopoulos - 24 June 13:52

I NEED a video of all your adorable outtakes!