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Comments (9)

Cecila - 28 May 07:08

Veux vous homme dans son doux lits, moi ici seul quand vous n’etes pas la!

Goethals - 8 August 14:36

Nous vous garantissons une satisfaction maximale avec ces modèles! Souhaiter avec un grand plaisir passer temps societe mignon beaute.

Yolande - 11 November 02:48

Love the soft rolls of flesh.

Delaremore - 16 January 12:33

nice video

Catoire - 9 June 03:18

That's really my point, it's the breach of trust that's the issue not whether they were cishet or not. And to me, if there exists a great person who would have to lie in order to be apart of a community they identified with that is a problem (again, in many cases it is a necessary and practical aspect).

Malmgren - 15 April 04:40

I have to say, thanks for this Channel! I stopped getting sex ed at 13 and we only got one lesson on condoms and stuff. and It's ridiculous! I'm 16 now (many of my friends are 17 now and the lack of knowledge on these topics is just horrifying :L Luckily I read fanfiction occasionally. Which is weird but at least it gives me sexual knowledge, many people know very little and tbh, it kinda worries me :/