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Comments (2)

Berry - 24 December 11:38

Passionne la fille avec corps parfait pantalon, appelez-moi des maintenant!

Sampaga - 18 October 23:30

Choisissez votre langue préférée.

Hyland - 18 February 13:27

your damn hot can i fuck yu?

Latricia - 23 December 19:51


Carland - 26 August 12:03

My friend has a big dick

Rocle - 8 February 02:53


Adria - 22 May 20:01

People can and will drink tea to be polite, just because someone else made it for them, even if they didn't particularly want it especially beforehand. В The person who made it does not know that they didn't want it and is pleased to have been a great host. В People however should NOT feel obligated to have sex because someone else expects them to or wants them to. В And it should always be very obvious that a person doesn't want to have sex.

Roches - 18 March 12:09

Wait, what? People think good looking means smarter?

Jolie. Age: 27
Of Orcines. Age: 22
Noemi. Age: 24