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Comments (2)

Admin - 23 November 13:57

Arrete sur appetissants photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, besoin simplement rencontrer et d’obtenir buzz, plaisir je garantis!

Federico - 23 August 14:55

They serve as a lasting monument to the king and his queen Nefertari , and commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh.

Aldaco - 20 September 04:09

Why are humans so complicated?

Eversmann - 29 April 17:19

you speak in ways much more clearly than verbaly! I know you want it from behind, 11out of 10. I never tire of this video. It' s really quite amazing how stunning those poses are towards the end. Thank you Genevieve for showing your beauty like this! Forget the crude comment above you are one in a million.

Wiley - 14 April 06:04

The rhythm method, safe time of the month, and pulling out are not considers effective means of birth control at all.

Calandra - 8 November 20:27

For me there is not one specific ideal of attraction however there are of course the requirements of health and symmetry. I'm usually attracted to shapely woman. I also find darker skin more aesthetically pleasing than lighter skin. As for pyschologically, some one being critical thinking, curious, having a joy for life; has emotional resilience are all attractive to me. I also immediately perk up when some one mentions they are from a different country, I tend to find differences attractive, something that distinguishes someone from the pack.

Roosevelt - 16 December 13:08
